уторак, 10. јул 2018.

NIGHT TARIFF FOR 4 ROW LOW: Although it always lasts eight hours, cheap electricity does not start everywhere at the same time!

There are more and more households in which the washing machine works after midnight and where lunch is being prepared at dawn. 

So all home jobs are done with less money, because the lower, night tariff is even four times more favorable than the daily. Although it always lasts eight hours, cheap electricity does not start everywhere at the same time.

- In order to ensure a balanced operation of the electric power system and prevent overloading of devices, the period of application of the "lower daily tariff" starts between 22.00 and 24.00 and lasts eight hours continuously - they say for Novosti in Elektroprivreda Srbije.

The red indicator on the meters first "fires" in central Serbia, where the lower tariff starts at 22 hours. At more favorable prices of electricity, this part of our country is used up to six o'clock in the morning. An hour later cheaper kilowatts can be used by the people of Vojvodina for up to seven hours.

- In the area of Belgrade, the signal for changing tariffs on meters is sent automatically via remote control from the command center of distribution - they emphasize in EPS. - Lower rates apply from midnight to eight hours each day, regardless of non-working days, national or religious holidays.

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